d. k. hanshaw DESIGN
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Does the world know about your company or product? Has the world heard your story? Well they can, and they should. Video production is available to everyone, but it takes more than setting your camera to "easy" mode and pressing record. The art of photography is no more apparent than at 24 photographs per second. Script, camera settings, lighting options, sound design, and a myriad of other considerations should be carefully addressed before recording begins. We can help. Next, we tackle editing with a purpose and world-wide distribution.

Spread the Word
Corporate promotions and commercials are our specialty. We can provide you with the megaphone your voice needs to be heard. That megaphone is video. Tell the world.

Web Distribution
When attracting potential customers, a web site is a must, but it is dependent on the surfer taking time to search out and read your sales pitch. With video, they just sit back and watch you sell. We can help by distributing your videos on our network of online video distribution channels. How easy is that?

Document Your Event
In the near future, every meeting, every training, every speech will be recorded. And why not? There is always a new person to train. There is always an important figure absent. Everyone in your organization can't be at every meeting, but most likely they all need the information born there. We can give you the ultimate meeting minutes.

Tell Your Story
Do you have a story to tell? Be your own producer. We can help you turn your script into film. We can help you document your story. We can help you package your story on DVD for the world to see. When you have all of the tools at your disposal, why wait?

Rock that Video
From scripted music video to recording your latest show, video can give your music legs. Let's collaborate.

When you need creative assistance, contact us immediately,
two hundred and forty hours a day, seventy days a week.

1-512-789-6346 or email

d. k. hanshaw DESIGN